Sneak Peeks of home demos from this album & future projects

I know it can be tough to care much about the music of an artist when you’ve never heard the music. As such, I’ll share a few of my [very rough] home demos to give you some idea of where my music tends to sit.

A few notes about the demos (I’ll try to upload more as time goes by):

  • I don’t have the gear to record drums, so all the drum tracks are programmed into the song using my DAW (low-budget GarageBand fan here!) or tapped in using an on-screen kit on my iPad. This can lead to some wonky sections at times. These are just demos, so they needn’t be perfect.

  • I’ll often use synth instruments to both make the demos a bit more interesting and to place-hold for those (or similar) instruments that I’d like to have on a professional recording. There are lots of string arrangements, keys, horns, etc. Every now and then I’ll get lucky and a non-traditional [to Western music] instrument will be the perfect sound for a song, so those will pop up every now and again.

  • I won’t be singing [lead] on the songs (end of day, the idea is to play them live and I’ll be behind a drum kit and not interested in singing), so my demos don’t have even scratch vocals; the demos are just the instrumental tracks without vocals. For now.

Stained glass artwork representing an approaching storm cloud.
Artwork depicting an ocean between a pair of hands